Verbindende Kommunikation
Dein Potential verwirklichen, deine Gestaltungskraft aktivieren, Lebendigkeit spüren - glücklich und authentisch leben durch verbindende Kommunikation.
Warum begeistert uns verbindende Kommunikation?
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The template is not based on any framework. It's clean and simple for quick implementation & comes loaded with a powerful admin backend for easy customization. No coding required. - 2
Tiefe Verbindung
To jumpstart your imagination, we have included 4 different home page variants viz. Business, Magazine, Corporate and Landing page (Onepage with sticky menu). More layouts would be added in the coming versions, for now these layouts should get you started. - 3
Freiheit und Eigenständigkeit
The Free Joomla template is fully responsive and uses the default Joomla! Bootstrap 2.3.2. Why? (Scroll down to FAQ section for answer). Outstanding look and feel in all responsive layouts: Desktop, Tablet & Mobile. - 4
Tweaking css elements is a breeze with realtime preview right in the backend. Customize layouts with clicks. JA Simpli ships with a intuitive Admin panel with special focus on basic Joomla users. Its fun to play around.

Räume für Austausch
Covering popular layouts, responsive by default, multiple module positions, fast yet simple.

nächste Veranstaltungen
No coding skills required, customize colors, layouts right from the backend with live preview smile as your template take shape.